Monday, July 23, 2012

They're Back!

Welcome home to Robert, Courtney, Julian, Minnie, Kristin and Ian!!

Here's the post on which you four youth can comment and put some final reflections/thoughts/stories, etc. Feel free to comment more than once if you think of something else that you want to say...

Readers: did you hear the news? The ELCA Youth Gathering in 2015 will be in DETROIT!


  1. Well, all I have to say is that the gathering was truly amazing. The energy and power and just awesomeness that I felt there is something that I feel could not be recreated in another environment. During this gathering, I had the experience that god was REALLY there. I know that he's always there no matter what, but I've never been able to really connect with that until the gathering. It was so awesome! This gathering has really made me want to serve and just create justice in the world. I'm not thinking that I'm going to do that by volunteering at the food bank, or the animal shelter, although I know that those are important things that need volunteering but I'm actually not quite sure what I'm going to do yet. One of the speakers during the gathering was tAlking about how what everyone needs to do is find what you're good at, what you love to do, "your light." Then you need to use your light and incorporate it into service that you love to do and sincerely love doing. Another lady on our service day said that we should be "moved to served, not required to." this is how I feel right now about service. I am totally moved to serve and I am pumped up to do it, but I am currently in the process of "finding my light" to see what I really want to do in gods name. Wow that was a long explanation. In conclusion, the gathering was amazing, I've made so many friends and experiences that I will never forget and i am so completely ready to go to Detroit in 2015!

  2. As mentally and physically demanding as it was, I had a wonderful time in New Orleans. I've never felt that kind of energy and connection with so many people at once. I felt like such a part of something, and it was amazing. I'm still in the stage of processing everything that was stuffed into my head during my time at the gathering but I'm going to come out ready and willing to serve and share God's love with Bozeman and the rest of the world. I think I'm in the same place as Minnie: trying to find a place where I feel I can really feel like I am giving my all and using the talents God gave me to show others what He can do. I loved meeting all the new people and feeling like we were all connected, no matter where we were from. I'm looking forward to Detroit... I think I'm going to try to audition for one of the bands in 2015. To me, there's no better way to share the love than through music, so I feel called to do that. Can't wait to be back with those 33,000 Lutherans :)

