Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday Questions

It's the last full day of the Gathering!

Q1 - After all the dancing in the #lutherdome, which of the six of you has the best moves?

Q2 - One of tonight's speakers quoted Gandhi's famous "be the change you wish to see in the world." How might you be an agent of change when you get home?

Q3 - Today's highlights?

Look for answers from our NOLA crew in the comments, below.


  1. Q1: Oh, that's easy. Robert!

    Q2: That's a tough question. I think it has to start small. Hopefully I can share what I learned here with others and that will start the ball rolling.

    Q3: Stamping wars with Julian and our new friends from Virginia, and dancing at the Sheraton after the superdome. Oh, and SWITCHFOOT!!! :D


  2. With all the dancing in the #lutherdome this week everyone says that I, Robert, have the beat dance moves! Woot!! Woot!!!
    I think that we can all the change in our community by conntibuting there time and energy and money to making a difference.
    The biggest highlight was meeting people from san-diago.
